We Source We Deliver

We're industry leaders in Product Sourcing, Development and Production in the Asia-Pacific

Our Unique Service

Product and Factory Sourcing

Our model is different from any other sourcing options. We provide transparent service, helping you every step of the way.

Quality Control

Our strict quality management system and protocol make certain products are manufactured according to your standard specifications.


Our comprehensive inspection solution leading our customers to the qualify manufacturers and to receive high quality of goods.

Connect The Best Suppliers With You

Our Capabilities

We strive to help our customers maximise their brand exposure through providing a professional service and high quality branded merchandise

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Why Choose us?

By partnering with us you get access to top sourcing agents around the world.

We’re a leading sourcing company because of our unmatched ability to deliver high-value results to our clients. Our team work on the ground and around the clock to ensure efficiency throughout all our operations so that the ongoing communication with your suppliers and manufacturers obtains the best possible outcome for you. Our job isn’t complete once we’ve delivered your order – we’re always available for support after hours.

Our competitive pricing means you’ll achieve better savings with us compared to other international services. Due to our long-term relationships around the globe and regular buying volumes, our team can strongly negotiate pricing with suppliers to obtain the best possible price and outcome for you.

We only work with handpicked, ethically-accredited and certified manufacturing partners. All our suppliers are carefully selected and monitored for their compliance with modern slavery legislation. We have a robust Ethical Sourcing Policy which we can provide you on request. Quality product is our key.

We take pride in being the one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs in Asia-Pacific. We have a ‘first-to-market’ approach, with a factory-direct overseas supply chain and in-house production and warehousing team. All of these groups work in sync, giving you exceptional end-to-end service.

Be Globally Connected

Our Guarantee

We work for you as an extension of your business in helping you grow and scale.

We understand that selecting and sourcing the right product can be challenging and time consuming, so we aim to reduce this hassle for our customers.

Our objective is first and foremost to understand our customers needs and their requirements. Then delivering high quality products to help your brand stand out.

From a single everyday item or if you need a group of products, perhaps you require a bespoke product or a high-quality promotional campaign we at Merchandise Branding have the knowledge and experience to make your company standout from the crowd.

We turn your ideas into reality just let us know your plans and we will work with you to make it happen.

Product Sourcing

From the concept to production to product testing, we’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll connect you with the right sourcing and manufacturing company, giving you the best price and to ensure that quality is never compromised.


As an international Sourcing company, we're proud to use our services to provide transparent and cost-effective solutions to businesses across the globe.

Best-fit Solutions

Whatever you need sourced, manufactured and shipped, we can do it. Importing goods from China and all over the world is our core expertise.

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We pride ourselves on our key values

Our Standard

Integrity – we believe that there is nothing more important than our reputation and how we work with our customers.

Trust – we seek to build open and honest business relationships.

Go the “extra mile” for our customers

Your one-stop sourcing company in the Asia-Pacific

About Us

Pace Future offers an unique combination of expertise as both a supplier and a manufacturer, providing an end-to-end service for businesses across the world, from entrepreneurial startups to global corporations.

We offer a one-stop shop for all commercial product sourcing. While most supply companies use the services of a retailer, distributor, stock product supplier, overseas trading firms and factories, we combine all of that into one.

The result is a more simplified and cost-effective ‘factory-direct’ service – with more value to you.

We Make It For You

We provide integrated Solutions and help you extend efficiency, flexibility, and cost benefits to your entire product sourcing. By drawing all necessary services together into a complete, optimized package, your product sourcing operations are simplified and your business becomes stronger and more efficient.

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